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Professional WhatsApp communication with your customer

Communicate with your customers in an accessible way? You can do that with tdMessenger, a product developed by ADIMIT, linked to WhatsApp. You can easily reach one or more customers with standardized messages and personal notifications. Your customers can communicate easily via WhatsApp, linked to your fixed phone number. Through smart routing, they are directed to the right department immediately. All messages can be found in the web application.

Your benefits

 accessible communication with your customers

 standardization and a professional appearance

 control over your customer communication

 your customers use WhatsApp via your fixed phone number

 many usage possibilities


Simple and professional communication

tdMessenger has the accessibility of WhatsApp with a professional structure and appearance. Each department chooses a standardized message to approach customers. Think of an automatic thank you for a quote request, a confirmation of an appointment, or a notification that the car is ready. Consider a general out-of-office message when your company is closed, a commercial product campaign, or an invitation to an event. All with a customer-friendly tone and in your corporate identity.

Control over your customer communication

If the customer responds to the standard message via WhatsApp, your employees can then respond personally. The WhatsApp conversations are preserved in the application, even if another colleague takes over. Internal messages can be added to the communication flow.

Many possibilities

tdMessenger is very flexible. Integrations are possible with your CRM customer management system, such as the financial package Exact Online, dealer management systems like Autoline, CarSys, CarIT, and Wincar, our telephony function, and your scheduling system. You can add various attachments to your messages, such as PDF invoices with iDEAL links, photos, and videos.

Full support

tdMessenger works based on licenses and is suitable for all industries. We handle the installation and the company-specific configuration of tdMessenger. Your employees get access to this user-friendly application on their phone via a QR code. Training is not necessary.

Accessible communication

Your customers receive your tdMessenger communication via WhatsApp, where they can easily and quickly respond at their chosen moment. They can also reach WhatsApp via a prominent button on your website or in your email. tdMessenger can be configured with menus, allowing customers in WhatsApp to choose the relevant department or employee.